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Watches & Wonders

Watches and Wonders Geneva 2024

Watches & Wonders Geneva 2024 opens its doors from April 9th to April 15th 2024. During a week rich of animations, Geneva becomes the international capital of Time.

Go deep into Panerai's universe during the Public Days at Watches and Wonders. Enjoy a private discovery tour, engage in multisensory sessions to experience the craftsmanship of our watches, and have a rare meet-and-greet with our ambassador, the legendary Mike Horn. It's an intimate exploration of innovation and tradition, presented with Panerai hospitality.


Watches and Wonders Geneva 2023

Panerai has a legendary history which started in 1860 in Florence. A history of pioneering innovations since the luminous paste patented by Panerai in 1916, with the name Radiomir.

At Watches and Wonders 2023 Panerai celebrated its history revamping the Radiomir collection, with new and heritage-focused models.