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Fri Sep 06 00:00:00 UTC 2024


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Spain -

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Horario de apertura
lun. 10:00 — 19:00
mar. 10:00 — 19:00
mié. 10:00 — 19:00
jue. 10:00 — 19:00
vie. 10:00 — 19:00
sáb. 10:00 — 19:00
dom. 10:00 — 19:00
Abierto excepcionalmente
31st of March and 1st of April closed
Distancia: Km
In the heart of a city rich in history, art, and culture, Panerai strengthens its presence with a new boutique in the prestigious Milanese golden triangle. Right in the bustling center of Via Montenapoleone n. 19, the universe of the Maison unfolds in a bright, welcoming space spanning 160 square meters. An embodiment of an elevated customer experience, the warmth and familiarity of Italian hospitality seep through the boutique walls, greeting visitors with a convivial and welcoming atmosphere. Incorporating influences of the city, the design reflects the ambiance of a Salotto Milanese with unmistakable classic design elements, including white plaster finish, moldings, cornices, and minimalistic ceiling lighting. These features merge with Panerai’s aesthetics to highlight the brand’s key pillars: Italianity, the world of the sea, modern heroes, and technicity. From the outside, the Panerai logo, bold, and distinct, synchronizes with the expansive, transparent windows, while the Maison’s iconic luminescent clock that greets visitors upon entry is an unmistakable nod to the brand’s DNA, underscoring the enduring theme of luminescence. Enhancing the boutique’s immersive environment is the eye-catching LED wall. This feature amplifies the in-store experience while simultaneously drawing attention from beyond the windows. As much a part of the boutique’s interior as its exterior, the LED wall serves as a lighthouse, visually guiding customers into the world of Panerai. The boutique’s ground floor welcomes the guests showcasing Panerai’s iconic timepieces. The collections are harmoniously displayed along the walls, on the counter and on tower cabinets made of dark wood and green, blue, or black marble, hues that reflect Maison’s inherent spirit and aesthetic. Upon ascending to the first floor, the impact of the timeline design feature is immediately apparent. This immersive approach offers a visual overview of Panerai’s rich history and evolution, engaging customers in an informative journey through the brand’s legacy that leads up to the final stage of the opening of Milan Casa Panerai. The first floor is a plush area equipped with low tables, armchairs, a bar, and a client counter. At the heart of the space is the ‘Bar Italiano’, which offers not only a casual space for customers to relax with a coffee or a drink but also an additional showcasing and selling space. Underlining the brand’s Italian DNA, the boutique is furnished in Italian pieces, anchored by the exclusive reproduction of the original piece of the Pavone chandelier by Gio Ponti, that hovers above the bar counter. The boutique is illuminated with abundant natural light, thanks to the expansive shop windows and additional windows that overlook both Via Montenapoleone and the internal courtyard. This design not only lights up the boutique but also provides a stunning view, creating a shopping experience that is elegant and inviting.
Panerai Boutique Milan

Desde el exterior, el logotipo de Panerai, audaz y distintivo, se sincroniza con las ventanas amplias y transparentes, mientras que el icónico reloj luminiscente de la Maison que recibe a los visitantes a la entrada es un guiño inconfundible al ADN de la marca, que subraya el tema perdurable de la luminiscencia. La llamativa pared de LED refuerza el ambiente envolvente de la boutique. Este elemento intensifica la experiencia en la tienda y, al mismo tiempo, atrae la atención más allá de los escaparates. Tanto en el interior como en el exterior de la tienda, la pared de LED actúa como un faro que guía visualmente a los clientes hacia el mundo de Panerai.

La planta baja de la boutique da la bienvenida a los clientes con los relojes emblemáticos de Panerai. Las colecciones se exponen de forma armónica en las paredes, el mostrador y los imponentes armarios de madera oscura y mármol verde, azul o negro, tonos que reflejan el espíritu y la estética inherentes de la Maison.

Al subir a la primera planta, se percibe enseguida el impacto del diseño de la línea del tiempo. Este enfoque inmersivo ofrece una visión general de la riqueza histórica y la evolución de Panerai, y embarca a los clientes en un viaje informativo a través del legado de la marca que conduce a la etapa final de la apertura de Casa Panerai de Milán.

La primera planta es una zona acogedora equipada con mesas bajas, sillones, un bar y un mostrador para clientes. En el centro del espacio se encuentra el Bar Italiano, que ofrece no solo una zona informal para que los clientes se relajen con un café o una copa, sino también un espacio adicional de exposición y venta.

La boutique, que subraya el ADN italiano de la marca, está amueblada con piezas italianas, entre las que destaca la reproducción exclusiva de la pieza original de la lámpara Pavone de Gio Ponti, que se eleva sobre el mostrador del bar.