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Movimento a carica manuale



HT/LT, GMT differential, Circonferenza, Minuti, Ripetizione minuti, Riserva di carica, Ore, Ore del mondo, Piccoli secondi

Informazioni tecniche

Meccanico a carica manuale, calibro P.2005/MR, 16¼ linee, spessore 10,35 mm, 59 rubini, bilanciere in Glucydur®, 28.800 alternanze/ora, dispositivo antiurto Incabloc®. Riserva di carica di 4 giorni, due bariletti. 633 componenti


A SWISS TECHNICAL MASTERPIECE The hand-wound P.2005/MR calibre is, together with the minute repeater mechanism, the result of four years of research and development by the Laboratorio di Idee in the Neuchâtel Manufacture. In the Radiomir 1940 Minute Repeater Carillon Tourbillon GMT, the remarkable Panerai tourbillon can be admired from both the front and the back of the watch thanks to the sophisticated work of skeletonisation. In the system patented by Officine Panerai, the rotation of the tourbillon is different from that of the classic tourbillon. In the traditional version the balance cage rotates continuously on itself, limiting the variations caused by gravity. In the innovative Panerai mechanism, the tourbillon cage rotates on an axis which is perpendicular, not parallel, to that of the balance. Also, while the rotation is once a minute in a traditional tourbillon, in the P.2005/MR it takes 30 seconds, and this is shown by the indicator which rotates in the small seconds counter at 9 o’clock. The greater speed and the particular arrangement of the mechanism enable it to compensate very effectively for any potential changes of rate, ensuring very accurate timekeeping precision. The hammers of the minute repeaters and the two spring barrels, which store a power reserve of at least four days, are visible from the open back, through which the power reserve indicator mounted on the movement can also be read.

movement characteristics image