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PANERAI Boutique Barcelona


PANERAI Boutique Barcelona, Paseo de Gracia, 104 - Barcelona, SPAIN
Telefono: +34936619111
nuova apertura
orari di apertura
lun 11:00 — 20:00
mar 11:00 — 20:00
mer 11:00 — 20:00
gio 11:00 — 20:00
ven 11:00 — 20:00
sab 11:00 — 20:00
aperture straordinarie
giorni di chiusura
Distanza: Km
The first Panerai boutique in Barcelona, located at the buzzing Paseo de Gracia 104, marks another milestone in the expansion of the historied Maison’s distribution network. Strategically positioned in a vibrant area of Barcelona, the boutique occupies 48 square meters of retail space. Its design is a contemporary take on Panerai’s identity, marrying sleek Italian DNA with the technical expertise of Swiss watchmaking. The boutique aims to provide an engaging experience for visitors, allowing them to delve into the world of Panerai, where every detail reflects the brand’s commitment to historied past and technological advancement.
PANERAI Boutique Barcelona

Submersible GMT Luna Rossa Titanio PAM01507

The Submersible GMT Luna Rossa Titanio PAM01507 celebrates the start of the America’s Cup races in Barcelona with a 42mm Grade 5 titanium case, its high-tech material has one of the best strength-to-weight ratios: 40% lighter and 60% harder than steel.

This metal features exceptional qualities of endurance and robustness. 

The Submersible GMT Luna Rossa Titanio PAM01507 boasts a water resistance of ~50 bar (~500 meters), a significant milestone deeply intertwined with Panerai’s heritage.