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Taichung Far Eastern Boutique


台中大遠百 Taichung Far Eastern, Far eastern Department Store, 1F, No. 251, Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist. - Taichung City, TAIWAN, CHINA
Telefono: + 886 4 2251 1252
nuova apertura
orari di apertura
lun 11:00 — 22:00
mar 11:00 — 22:00
mer 11:00 — 22:00
gio 11:00 — 22:00
ven 11:00 — 22:00
sab 10:30 — 22:00
dom 10:30 — 22:00
aperture straordinarie
giorni di chiusura
Distanza: Km
The boutique at Far Eastern Taichung carries Panerai's distinctive aesthetics and atmosphere, and is an embodiment of the brand's four major elements: Italianity, the world of the sea, Modern Heroes, and technicity down to the most minute detail. These elements capture the essence of Panerai, taking customers on a sensory journey that merges luxury, heritage, innovation, and the spirit of discovery.
台中大遠百 Taichung Far Eastern